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Japan­ese moments of plea­sure — Itadakimasu

Saturday, 18 March 2023
19:00 - 22:00


On this evening you can enjoy Japan­ese cui­sine. A small group will pre­pare Japan­ese del­i­ca­cies for you. The chefs and cooks of the evening will then be hap­py to sit at a table with you from 7 p.m., eat, drink and exchange ideas about food, cook­ing, Japan and its art, cul­ture or many oth­er topics.
The evening will be musi­cal­ly accom­pa­nied by the koto (Japan­ese harp). Before din­ner, treat your­self to the lec­ture on the ceram­ic art of Japan.

Look for­ward to an inspir­ing Sat­ur­day and moments of plea­sure for the eyes, taste and hear­ing. Cost: 25,00 €

Please book the meal under course num­ber 231–30302 at the vhs, the lec­ture under course num­ber 231–30303.

Target group: all
This event is not gratis
ibz — EG, Großer Saal
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated:  3. March 2023