Through the employment of voluntary interpreters, people with migratory background are offered a free service in order to overcome possible language barriers whilst communicating with e.g. educational institutions.
The project’s aim is to foster equal opportunities and education for people with migratory background.
The Interpreters Pool Project of the city of Karlsruhe started on March 2015 and is financed by the City’s Integration Office (Büro für Integration).
The interpreter pool already includes 28 languages:
- Albanian
- Amharic (Ethiopia)
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Chinese
- Dari
- Estonian
- Estonian
- Finnish
- Finnish French
- Greek
- Hindi
- Italian
- Croatian
- Kurdish (Badini, Kurmanchi, Sorani)
- Macedonian
- Pashto
- Persian/Farsi
- Polish
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Tigrinya (Eritrea)
- Turkish
- Hungarian
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
If the language you require is not listed, please enquire anyway, as the list of languages is constantly changing.
📎 Guide to download
📝 Contact form
Target group: all
This offer is gratis
This offer is gratis
Gulzat Chomoev
Internationaler Bund
Scheffelstr. 11, 76135 Karlsruhe
Scheffelstr. 11, 76135 Karlsruhe
This event information was updated: 24. October 2024