Internetcafés in Karlsruhe
Volunteer advice on smartphone, tablet and PC for seniors
Many who did not grow up with smartphones, tablets and PCs like the “Intenet generation” would like to take advantage of the Internet. Often, they just lack someone to explain this to their once in a while.
We support people who would like to enter the digital world and want to know how: send text messages, take photos and videos for friends and family, research information on the Internet, network with others in social media, and much more. Smartphone, PC, laptop and tablet offer a great many communication options. But first you have to learn how they work.
There are meeting places all over Karlsruhe where volunteers offer free help and advice on questions about using digital devices.
Simply drop by one of the counseling sessions and bring your device with you.
IT-Beratung Mühlburg
Bürgerzentrum Mühlburg Weinbrennerstraße 79a
76185 Karlsruhe
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 16:00–18:00 (lectures every 1st Wednesday of the month from 16:00)
Internet Café 55plus-Südwerk
Henriette-Obermüller-Strasse 10
76137 Karlsruhe
every 2. Wednesday 16:00–18:00 o’clock
IT-Café im Mitmach-Laden Südwest
Mathystraße 12
76133 Karlsruhe
every 2nd Tuesday of the month 18:00–19:30 (registration by e‑mail:
Internetcafé Nordweststadt
Landauer Straße 2b
76185 Karlsruhe
every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 17:30–19:00
Internetcafé 55plus Grötzingen
Begegnungszentrum Grötzingen (Niddaraum) Niddastraße 9
76229 Karlsruhe
Thursdays 15:00–17:00 (except on holidays or during school vacations)
Try it — Bürgerzentrum Daxlanden
Waidweg 1c
76189 Karlsruhe
every 1st and 3rd wednesday of the month 17:00–18:30 hours
Seniorenclub Durlach
Rappenstraße 5
76149 Karlsruhe
Mondays and Wednesdays 17:00–19:00
This offer is gratis