Some instances of this event are over (2/2)

Inter­na­tion­al Weeks against Racism Karl­sruhe 2024

Sunday, 10 March 2024
Sunday, 24 March 2024

Human rights for all!

The Inter­na­tion­al Day against Racism is cel­e­brat­ed annu­al­ly on March 21 and was pro­claimed by the Unit­ed Nations in 1966. in recent years, Inter­na­tion­al Weeks against Racism have also been held in Karl­sruhe to mark this day. More than 40 asso­ci­a­tions, ini­tia­tives and orga­ni­za­tions as well as indi­vid­u­als from all sec­tors of Karl­sruhe soci­ety are tak­ing part.

The com­mon con­cern here is to achieve greater atten­tion for work crit­i­cal of racism. The top­ic of racism must be per­ma­nent­ly on the agen­da of the city soci­ety, so that peo­ple are sen­si­tized and mobi­lized against racism. These weeks make a con­tri­bu­tion to this.

To the pro­gram 2024

Target group: all (International Weeks against Racism Karlsruhe 2024)
This event is gratis

, Ver­schiedene Orte- Karlsruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-03-11