
Inter­na­tion­al Schol­ars & Wel­come Office

Inter­na­tion­al Schol­ars & Wel­come Office

for for­eign scientists

The Inter­na­tion­al Schol­ars & Wel­come Office (IScO) is the cen­tral con­tact for inter­na­tion­al sci­en­tist mobil­i­ty at KIT.

IScO advis­es for­eign sci­en­tists who come to KIT for a sci­en­tif­ic activ­i­ty as well as KIT sci­en­tists who want to go abroad for a research stay or return from a stay abroad.

Per­son­al con­tact per­sons advise and sup­port you and your fam­i­ly in admin­is­tra­tive mat­ters and also every­day ques­tions about life in Karl­sruhe. We offer:

  • Infor­ma­tion and advice on plan­ning, prepar­ing, and car­ry­ing out your research stay at KIT
  • Advice on schol­ar­ships and employ­ment at KIT
  • Advice on admin­is­tra­tive mat­ters: Visas, ques­tions regard­ing immi­gra­tion law, health and social insurance
  • Sup­port in deal­ing with for­mal­i­ties with the author­i­tiesIn­for­ma­tion and sup­port in the search for an apartment
  • Infor­ma­tion and sup­port for part­ners and fam­i­ly: stud­ies, work, child care, school
  • Wel­come ser­vice and pro­mo­tion of inte­gra­tion into the inter­na­tion­al KIT community

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion and con­tact per­sons can be found at

Target group: (For foreign scientists)
This offer is gratis
Karl­sruher Insti­tut für Tech­nolo­gie (KIT)
Ade­nauer­ring 8, 76131 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  4. September 2023