Monday, 21 March 2022
— a greeting by Lord Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup
— a lecture on the subject of racism by Florence Brokowski-Shekete followed by a discussion with the audience; Ms. Brokowski-Shekete comes from Mannheim, is an author and director of a school district, the first black person to do so in Germany
— the band The Black Sea Shipping Company
— talks
Moderation: Head of the Cultural Office Dominika Szope and Integration Officer Meri Uhlig
Admission 19.00, free admission, the current Corona regulation applies.
Poster to download
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This event is gratis
Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe
Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe
This event information was updated: 8. February 2023