Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

Inter­na­tion­al Come Togeth­er online

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Thurs­day, 31.03.2022, 18 — 19.30 CEST

Mini Series: Learn and Prac­tice German.

Part 3: Bet­ter pro­nun­ci­a­tion for more self-con­fi­dence and suc­cess at work
Prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es for Ger­man learn­ers A2 — C1


Speak­er: Your lan­guage coach Maria
Ger­man teacher, inter­preter, pro­nun­ci­a­tion train­er and Influ­encer in the Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karlsruhe


For the third part of our mini-series, we were able to win over a speak­er from the Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karl­sruhe who is known to hun­dreds of thou­sands from social media as “Dein Sprach­coach”. With her moti­vat­ing videos, she helps Ger­man learn­ers world­wide to improve their Ger­man and pre­pare for lan­guage exams.

Many Ger­man learn­ers want their pro­nun­ci­a­tion to be as nat­ur­al as pos­si­ble. Our speak­er uses prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es to show par­tic­i­pants how they can active­ly improve their pro­nun­ci­a­tion and thus gain more con­fi­dence in their every­day and pro­fes­sion­al communication.


Zoom reg­is­tra­tion link:–uqTMuGNwDXGz2PADpknDqdumjgU11

Invi­ta­tion to down­load


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Target group:
This event is gratis


This event information was updated:  8. February 2023