
Career inte­gra­tion pro­gram at EnBW Karlsruhe

Start your future with our Career inte­gra­tion pro­gram at EnBW Karl­sruhe for refugees and migrants.

We want to give tech­ni­cal­ly inter­est­ed refugees and migrants access to an Apprenticeship.

Our par­tic­i­pants go through three stages dur­ing the career inte­gra­tion program:

Stage 1 — Internship

Stage 2 — One-year indus­tri­al-tech­ni­cal voca­tion­al school

Stage 3 — Tech­ni­cal training

What hap­pens after the apprenticeship?

If you con­vince us with your per­for­mance and enthu­si­asm, then your place with us is secure.
A wide range of prospects, var­i­ous job options and fur­ther train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties await you.
You have our support.

Target group: (Refugees and migrants)
This offer is gratis


This event information was updated:  5. August 2024