Some instances of this event are over (3/3)

Indone­sian movie — Before, Now & Then

Thursday, 10 August 2023
19.00 Uhr
Sunday, 13 August 2023
20.00 Uhr
Saturday, 19 August 2023
17.30 Uhr

Indone­sian movie — Before, Now & Then

In the 1960s, there was a vio­lent coup in Indone­sia, in the course of which Pres­i­dent Sukarno was replaced by Gen­er­al Suhar­to. The dra­mat­ic events of that time also affect­ed the gen­tle Nana. Her hus­band had been kid­napped and abduct­ed dur­ing the Japan­ese occu­pa­tion. She man­aged to escape the leader who tried to force her into mar­riage, but the inci­dent cost her father his life and drove her into pover­ty. Years lat­er, as the sec­ond wife of a wealthy Sun­danese man, she leads a com­fort­able life with their three chil­dren and a maid at her side. But in her dreams, the past catch­es up with her.

Kami­la Andi­ni, Indone­sian 2022 | 103 Min.

Target group: (from 12 years old)
This event is not gratis
Kine­math­ek Karlsruhe
Kaiser­pas­sage 6, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2023-07-14