
Home­work sup­port in Ger­man, math and English

Tuesday 16:30

The aim of home­work sup­port in Ger­man, math and Eng­lish is to increas­ing­ly enable and moti­vate stu­dents to com­plete their home­work independently.

Depend­ing on need, indi­vid­ual sup­port and prepa­ra­tion for class tests also take place dur­ing this time.

Home­work (HA) sup­ple­ments the school work, the major­i­ty of which is done in class.

📝 Con­tact us

Target group: children
This offer is gratis
Lands­man­nschaft der Deutschen aus Rus­s­land Karl­sruhe e.V.
Schef­fel­str. 54 , 76135 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  31. October 2024