Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

Hiphop empow­er­ment work­shop for teenagers

Thursday, 30 June 2022
30.06.-02.07.22 , 16:00-19:00

Are you dif­fer­ent, col­or­ful and loud? are you inter­est­ed in top­ics such as racism, homo­pho­bia and sexism?
then you are right here!

The top­ic of anti-dis­crim­i­na­tion will be dis­cussed and processed in rap lyrics with the sup­port of the rap­per Miger­ra. All young peo­ple who have inter­est in this top­ic and like to be musi­cal­ly active are welcome!

Anmel­dung unter: n.arndt@stja oder What­sapp: 017634394926

Fly­er to down­load


Target group: (Young adults)
This event is gratis
Noo­mi Arndt 
Jugend­haus LaVie
Ettlinger Str/ 9, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This is an automatic translation. We apologise if incorrect or inappropriate wording may be found.
This event information was updated: 2023-02-08