BIOS Victim Protection
Help for victims of violence or sexual crimes
The Treatment Initiative for Victim Protection (BIOS-BW) e. V. is an association of judges, public prosecutors, lawyers, psychologists and other interested persons.
BIOS-BW pursues various approaches to stand alongside the victims of criminal offenses, especially violent and sexual offenses, and to break up and prevent cycles of violence.
BIOS-BW offer:
Direct support through therapeutic help for those affected / traumatized
This primarily includes the care of victims of sexual and violent crimes in a trauma outpatient clinic or in one of our psychosocial centers. This area also includes therapeutic support services for children and young people.
📌 Monday to Friday / 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
☎️ 0721 669 82 089
1. Victim and trauma outpatient clinic (OTA)
Acute therapeutic care for victims of violence, sexual assault, stalking, bullying or emergencies following other traumatic experiences.
2. BIOS-Youngsters
Acute therapeutic care for young victims of violence, sexual assault, stalking, bullying, etc.
3. Psychosocial center Nordbaden
Facility for the psychotherapeutic, psychosocial care of migrants who have experienced flight.
4. Things of the heart
Therapy for children and young people who have fled war.
5. Lawyer’s consultation hour
Free initial legal advice for victims of violent and sexual offenses.
📌 Every first Wednesday of the month / 4 to 7 pm
☎️ 0721 669 82 089 (make an appointment)
6. BIOS Victim Protection Guide
Guide for victims of violent and sexual offenses. From the first steps to the course of possible legal proceedings.
Talking about it is the first step.
Talking about it can help.
Talking about it can change.
BIOS helps you quickly and unbureaucratically:
NOBODY needs to be ashamed of seeking help.
The EXPERIENCE and the FEARS are initially the focus of our discussions.
Trauma must then be integrated into everyday life in order to regain control over your actions.
We provide support for SELF-HELP so that the person’s own strengths are recognized again and they do not suffer permanently in everyday life as a result of what they have experienced.
Prevention and aftercare
Stop before something happens
1. Therapy for offenders in Baden-Württemberg:
☎️ 0721/470 439 33 / 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
🌐 Karlsruhe Forensic Outpatient Clinic (FAB)
2. Projects for offenders:
🌐“Do not commit a violent or sexual offense”
Active participation in public relations work and legal policy
Quality assurance in the context of forensic assessments (pool of experts)
This offer is gratis
Schlossplatz 23 , 76131 Karlsruhe