
Free library card for refugees

Peo­ple new­ly arrived in Karl­sruhe can get a free library card for 6 months upon pre­sen­ta­tion of their reg­is­tra­tion cer­tifi­cate (includ­ing a res­i­den­tial address)

The Karl­sruhe City Library can be vis­it­ed at 🔎 all loca­tions dur­ing open­ing hours with­out any complications.
You can read, learn, play or meet oth­er peo­ple there.
You can also find com­put­er work­sta­tions, eBooks, eMagazines and ePa­pers or dig­i­tal Ger­man lan­guage cours­es, (video) games, books, movies, music CDs, audio­books for adults, teenagers and chil­dren in dif­fer­ent lan­guages. In order to be able to use the com­pre­hen­sive range of ser­vices offered by the pub­lic library and to bor­row media, you need a library card.

How to get a free library card?
Just vis­it the pub­lic library and bring your reg­is­tra­tion cer­tifi­cate (with your res­i­den­tial address) and you will get a free library card for 6 months.

Ger­man as sec­ond language

In the Inter­na­tion­al Depart­ment on the sec­ond floor of the City Library in the Neues Stän­de­haus you will find the shelf “Ger­man as a For­eign Language”.
Here you can find numer­ous books, learn­ing aids and learn­ing pack­ages (e.g. for Goethe, telc cer­tifi­cates), which can either be used on site in the library or bor­rowed with a library card.

Target group: (refugees)
This event is gratis


This event information was updated:  25. June 2024