Fit and connected to combat loneliness
We are currently looking for six sub-projects that will receive funding to reach and support people of all ages with increased levels of loneliness with the help of exercise programs. There is a particular focus on people with a migrant background who, according to the Loneliness Barometer 2024, have increased levels of loneliness.
The German Olympic Sports Confederation’s “Fit and connected against loneliness” (FIVE) project focuses on the potential of sport to create meeting spaces for people of all age groups with increased levels of loneliness, especially people with a migrant background. In six sub-projects, networks (so-called local “alliances for the prevention and alleviation of loneliness”) are being created throughout Germany, consisting of sports clubs, migrant self-organizations and municipal actors, who together implement concrete (exercise) offers to prevent and alleviate loneliness and to strengthen community.
The pilot project will run for three years (2025–2027) and is jointly funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).
Apply now: Funding for six sub-projects
Migrant self-organizations (MIOs), non-profit organizations and subdivisions of DOSB member organizations that are active at regional level (city/district/municipality) can apply for project funding for the two-year funding period (expected to run from 01.07.2025 to 30.06.2027).
MIOs and other organizations must cooperate with a regional sports organization (e.g. city or district sports association).
Applications for funding can be submitted to the DOSB until March 31, 2025: Become a model region against loneliness now
The sub-projects focus on the following measures:
- At the beginning, the coordinators of the sub-projects undergo training to raise awareness of the issue of loneliness. Participants are provided with knowledge and tools to specifically address people experiencing loneliness and analyze the potential for networking in their region.
- The coordinators identify important local actors in their region and initiate the establishment of a regional network (so-called local “alliances for the prevention and alleviation of loneliness”).
With the help of a regional kick-off conference and further network meetings, new working alliances are created in which needs and access routes to target groups with increased loneliness burdens that have hardly been reached or not reached at all to date are identified. Appropriate (exercise) offers are then implemented for those affected or at risk.
Interested parties can find out more about the call for proposals and ask questions about the application process in a webinar on:
📆 Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 3–4 p.m.
📆 Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 6–7 p.m.
Registration: To register for the webinar, please send an e‑mail to
This event is gratis