Electronic residence registration

Elec­tron­ic res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion in Karlsruhe

Elec­tron­ic res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion in Karlsruhe

Any­one mov­ing into an apart­ment in Karl­sruhe must reg­is­ter. Now you can use the online ser­vice: Elec­tron­ic res­i­dence registration.

Reg­is­ter your res­i­dence online

💡 Reg­is­tra­tion must take place with­in two weeks of mov­ing in. If you do not do this in time, you may have to pay a fine.


No reg­is­tra­tion is required if:

  • You are already reg­is­tered in Ger­many and have lived in the apart­ment for no longer than 6 months
  • You live abroad and have been liv­ing in Ger­many for no longer than 3 months

New home? 🏡

Have you just moved with­in Ger­many? 📦
You can now reg­is­ter your new home online and free of charge!
With elec­tron­ic res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion, you can sim­ply inform your reg­is­tra­tion office of your new home address online. 📲

You will then receive a dig­i­tal reg­is­tra­tion confirmation.

💡 It is no longer nec­es­sary to go to the rel­e­vant author­i­ty.

What doc­u­ment should I take with me when I register?

You can also use the online ser­vice to update your ID card, pass­port or eID card.
The eas­i­est way to do this is with your smartphone. 📲


Target group: all
This offer is gratis


This event information was updated:  3. December 2024