
Edu­ca­tion­al Sup­port for school­child­ren from Sin­ti and Roma families

Edu­ca­tion­al Sup­port for school­child­ren from Sin­ti and Roma families

The sup­port takes place about 2 times a week at the schools or at home in the fam­i­lies. Indi­vid­ual and small group sup­port is offered from grade 1 — 10 with a focus on lit­er­a­cy, lan­guage sup­port, home­work sup­port and sup­port lessons in the main sub­jects math­e­mat­ics, Ger­man and English.
The pro­gram is free of charge and open to all stu­dents from Sin­ti and Roma fam­i­lies from school enroll­ment to graduation.

The tar­get group
— Pupils from Ger­man Sin­ti and Roma fam­i­lies who need sup­port in achiev­ing their class goals.
— Pupils from Sin­ti and Roma fam­i­lies with a migra­tion back­ground who need sup­port in inte­grat­ing into the Ger­man school system.

The goals of the offer
— Reg­u­lar school attendance
— Achieve­ment of good school-leav­ing qualifications
— Devel­op­ing fol­low-up prospects

Target group: (for schoolchildren from Sinti and Roma families)
This offer is gratis
Stephan Fleis­ch­er
Bil­dungszen­trum Karlsruhe
Schef­fel­str. 11–17 a, 76135 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  4. September 2023