Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

Culi­nary dia­logue against racism

Friday, 24 March 2023
17:00 - 22:00

On Fri­day, March 24, the event “Culi­nary Dia­logue against Racism” orga­nized by Fre­unde für Fremde will take place in the large hall of the ibz as part of the Weeks against Racism. For this event, reg­is­tra­tion is required at 0721 84341 or at Also in the con­text of the Weeks against Racism, Fre­unde für Fremde will hold the event “Mis­cht euch ein — Geflüchtete bericht­en mit engagierten Karlsruhern*innen, durch sie einen Aus­bil­dungs- bzw. ein Arbeit­splatz gefun­den haben” on Thurs­day, 30.03.2023, 7 pm in the large hall of the ibz.

Target group: adults
This event is gratis
ibz — Karl­sruhe (im großen Saal)
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This is an automatic translation. We apologise if incorrect or inappropriate wording may be found.
This event information was updated:  8. February 2023