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Cross­roads of Cul­ture: A Jour­ney from Ukraine to Germany

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

World Sci­ence Café

Cross­roads of Cul­ture: A Jour­ney from Ukraine to Germany

🎓 with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Balykin

Dr. Ivan Balykin is cur­rent­ly Research Asso­ciate at the Chair of Con­tem­po­rary His­to­ry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mannheim. Find out more about the speak­er here.

The talk will be pre­sent­ed by Pro­fes­sor Dr. Car­o­line Y. Robert­son-von Trotha, KIT Dis­tin­guished Senior Fellow.

Come and join us for a con­cise explo­ration of the cross­roads where cul­tures meet, weav­ing togeth­er past, present, and aca­d­e­m­ic aspi­ra­tions. Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor Dr. Ivan Balykin will
speak on “Cross­roads of Cul­ture: A Jour­ney from Ukraine to Ger­many”, as well as the inter­sec­tions of his per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al life, unveil­ing the tran­si­tions from Ukraine to the
schol­ar­ly land­scapes of Ger­many and his aspi­ra­tions for the future in Ger­many, from immer­sive teach­ing meth­ods to co-found­ing the edu­ca­tors’ com­mu­ni­ty at NGO “Pro­gre­syl­ni”.
He will present his cur­rent research on “Mem­o­ry and Ide­o­log­i­cal Lega­cies”, under­stand­ing the intri­cate con­nec­tions between mem­o­ry nar­ra­tives, social move­ments, and iden­ti­ty politics.

Target group: all
This event is gratis
TRIANGEL Trans­fer – Kul­tur – Raum, in „Space“
Kaiser­straße 93, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  29. January 2024