Monday 10:00-14:00
Friday 10:00-14:00
Counseling for compatriots from Africa
We are “Somalischer Kultur-und Integrationsverein e.V.” and “Gambianische-Deutsche Gesellschaft Verein e.V.” in Karlsruhe.
Not only for refugees, but also for the compatriots from Somalia and other African countries who have been living here for a long time.
We are here to help you with the following topics, among others:
- Residence: Questions about residence in Germany.
- Family: Questions about family reunification
- Language: Placement in integration courses and other German courses.
- Work: job applications and the search for internships and jobs and mediate you in questions about the recognition of professional qualifications.
- Health: For health-related questions (e.g. doctor, health insurance).
- Children and family: questions about kindergarten, school and vocational training
- Financial matters: questions about child benefit, housing allowance, payments from the job center and other benefits
- Mobility: driving license, bus, train or streetcar — we show you how to get around
- Leisure: questions about leisure activities and leisure facilities in your area
Our counseling is free of charge. We also provide advice in English.
We also have language mediators, especially Somali, Gambian and Eritrean.
We are also happy to deal with women’s issues, family conflicts and parenting problems.
Target group: adults (for refugees from Africa and non-EU migrants)
This offer is gratis
This offer is gratis
Herr Ahmed Abdi — Frau Liane Holl — Herr Yakuba Ceesay
ibz — Karlsruhe
Kaiserallee 12 d, 76133 Karlsruhe
Kaiserallee 12 d, 76133 Karlsruhe
This is an automatic translation. We apologise if incorrect or inappropriate wording may be found.
This event information was updated: 7. July 2023