
Cool places and water in Karl­sruhe for hot days

When the sun is shin­ing in the city, it’s good to know where to find cool places and water in Karl­sruhe for hot days.
If you are out and about in the city, the Karl­sruhe city map for hot days shows you where you can get free drink­ing water, go to the toi­let or relax on a bench in the shade, at a water play­ground or a cool indoor space.

City map for hot days ☀

📍Inter­ac­tive map
🗺  Fold­ing map

If you pre­fer to use a print­ed city map, you can get one at the tourist infor­ma­tion office on the mar­ket square, in the town halls, at the city library and at many oth­er pub­lic places in the city.

“Cool church­es”

As a pilot project, some Karl­sruhe parish­es are open­ing their doors to every­one for the first time this year as “cool church­es”. On par­tic­u­lar­ly hot days, the church­es offer every­one the low-thresh­old oppor­tu­ni­ty to stay cool. The cam­paign ends on Sat­ur­day, August 31.
Dur­ing this peri­od, infor­ma­tion can be found at

In addi­tion to drink­ing water and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to relax, there will also be infor­ma­tion on site about the sim­ple mea­sures that can achieve a lot on hot days.
This infor­ma­tion can also be found in the Karl­sruhe heat eti­quette guide.
So far, St. Luke’s Church (Hagen­straße 7), the City Church (am Mark­t­platz), St. Mark’s Church (Hüb­schstraße 8), Luther Church (Durlach­er Allee 23) and the church in Grötzin­gen (Kirch­str. 15) are rep­re­sent­ed in the “Cool Church­es” network.

Karl­sruhe in sum­mer: healthy through the hot days

The city of Karl­sruhe is locat­ed in the Upper Rhine Graben in the warmest region of Ger­many. In sum­mer, tem­per­a­tures reg­u­lar­ly exceed 35 degrees Cel­sius over sev­er­al days. Even though we usu­al­ly enjoy the warm rays of sun­shine after a long win­ter, exces­sive heat can also be dan­ger­ous. Elder­ly or sick peo­ple in par­tic­u­lar, as well as preg­nant women and small chil­dren, need to take extra care.

Drink enough — if you want to spice up your water, you can add herbs such as pep­per­mint, sage, basil and lemon balm or lemon juice.
Even for a healthy body, the heat is exhaust­ing because your body is con­stant­ly try­ing to cool down. There­fore, avoid heavy phys­i­cal work or sport when it is hot so as not to put addi­tion­al strain on your body.
Shift your out­door activ­i­ties to the cool­er morn­ing or evening hours and stay indoors or in the shade dur­ing the day if possible.

💡 TIPS for cor­rect behav­ior in the heat

And above all, take good care of your­self and oth­ers around you.

First aid in case of heat

If you notice one or more symp­toms in your­self or oth­ers, call 112 for help immediately.
Also offer the per­son water and take them to as cool a place as possible.

The fol­low­ing symp­toms are indi­ca­tions of a heat-relat­ed emergency:

  • severe headache
  • dry, hot skin
  • sud­den con­fu­sion or cloud­ing of consciousness
  • a body tem­per­a­ture above 40° Celsius
  • bright red hot head
  • vom­it­ing
  • cir­cu­la­to­ry collapse
  • uncon­scious­ness
Target group: all
This offer is gratis


This event information was updated:  8. August 2024