
Con­sult­ing and Ger­man lessons

Monday 10:00 Registration

By Fre­unde für Fremde e.V.

Con­sult­ing and Ger­man lessons  

The Ger­man lessons are espe­cial­ly for for­eign­ers who are not enti­tled to an inte­gra­tion course or can­not attend one because of their per­son­al situation.

Pub­lic relations
In addi­tion of the indi­vid­ual assis­tance, we see our work as a socio-polit­i­cal task.
There­fore it is impor­tant to us to medi­ate con­tacts between Ger­mans and for­eign­ers and to pro­mote inter­est and under­stand­ing for migrants and their culture.


Target group: all (for foreigners who are not entitled to an integration course)
This offer is gratis
Fre­unde für Fremde e.V.
ibz, 1st floor right
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  3. March 2025