Climathon x
Some instances of this event are over (2/2)

Cli­math­on x LiNK Idea Lab

Friday, 8 November 2024
08:00 - 14:00
Saturday, 9 November 2024
09:00 17:00

Cre­at­ing more cli­mate friend­ly ideas for the upper rhine region

Cli­math­on x LiNK Idea Lab

We are invit­ing you to become an active par­tic­i­pant at Cli­math­on x LiNK Idea Lab on Novem­ber 8th (after­noon) and 9th 2024 (morn­ing and after­noon) at Impact Hub Karlsruhe.

Our event is an idea sprint around the top­ic of cli­mate inno­va­tion, aware­ness and solu­tions to bring togeth­er peo­ple from both sides of the rhine — and initiate/ com­bine cli­mate friend­ly ideas togeth­er that can turn into civic ini­tia­tives, busi­ness­es et research projects etc.

We offer one and a half day filled with short inputs and inter­na­tion­al work­ing ses­sions to cre­ate aware­ness, exchange and come up with con­crete ideas.

The ses­sions and inputs will be sup­port­ed by experts from dif­fer­ent fields reflect­ing an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to cli­mate solutions.

Our event is open for every­one inter­est­ed in our top­ics, the only con­di­tions are that you can speak basic Eng­lish in order to con­tribute to the work­ing sessions.

🎫 Do you need train tickets?
We’ll take care of it! Just let us know what you need when you register.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, accom­mo­da­tion places are full and we can no longer offer you this option.

Cli­math­on is a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty fos­ter­ing civic ini­tia­tives to tack­le cli­mate chal­lenges with cre­ative ideas.


LiNK is a Ger­man-French joint project by Mai­son de l’Em­ploi Stras­bourg, SINGA Stras­bourg, SINGA Stuttgart and Impact Hub Karlsruhe.

We fos­ter social impact entre­pre­neur­ship through train­ings, work­shops and idea labs both in Ger­many and France (upper rhine region).

Reserve a spot

Target group: all
This event is gratis
Juli­ette Gainon
Impact Hub Karlsruhe
Kaiser­straße 97 , 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  29. October 2024