Some instances of this event are over (2/2)

Christ­mas Gar­den Karlsruhe

Thursday, 23 November 2023
17 bis 21:30
Sunday, 7 January 2024

Unique light­ing design in Zool­o­gis­ch­er Stadtgarten

Christ­mas Gar­den Karlsruhe

It won’t be gloomy and dark in Karl­sruhe this win­ter. The Christ­mas Gar­den brings light into the dark sea­son and invites you to enjoy the antic­i­pa­tion of Christ­mas together.
The Christ­mas Gar­den Karl­sruhe is a pre-Christ­mas oasis where friends, col­leagues, cou­ples and the whole fam­i­ly can spend an evening in an atmos­pher­ic and fes­tive atmosphere.
The Christ­mas Gar­den takes you into a mag­i­cal Christ­mas won­der­land with numer­ous glit­ter­ing illuminations.

Plan your mag­i­cal jour­ney, immerse your­self in a glit­ter­ing world of lights and spend relax­ing hours in the Christ­mas Garden!

Open­ing hours

The Christ­mas Gar­den Karl­sruhe is open from Novem­ber 23, 2023 to Jan­u­ary 07, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Last admis­sion is at 20:00.
The Christ­mas Gar­den is closed on the fol­low­ing days: Novem­ber 27/28 and Decem­ber 24 and 31, 2023.


Target group: all, families
This event is not gratis
Zool­o­gis­ch­er Stadtgarten
Nord – Am Fest­platz 9 und Süd – Beim Bahnhof­platz 4, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2023-11-09