
Cel­e­bra­tion Inter­na­tion­al in Hem­ing­way Lounge

Friday, 14 March 2025

For the kick-off event on Mon 16.1.2023 Feier­abend Inter­na­tion­al invites all inter­est­ed par­ties to the Hem­ing­way Lounge Karl­sruhe from 6 pm. The first evening of the event series will be opened by the Span­ish singing band Suda­ka from Karl­sruhe. The col­or­ful diver­si­ty of the band, whose mem­bers come from Argenti­na, Mex­i­co, Chile and Ger­many, reflects the idea of the Feier­abend Inter­na­tion­al event.

The Feier­abend Inter­na­tion­al event series was devel­oped to facil­i­tate access to cul­tur­al and social par­tic­i­pa­tion for inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als in Karl­sruhe in addi­tion to their pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ties. The core of the team is pro­fes­sion­al­ly active around the care area of a hos­pi­tal. As is the case every­where in Ger­many, the nurs­ing teams are being expand­ed to include inter­na­tion­al nurs­ing professionals.

Target group: adults
This event is gratis


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This event information was updated:  8. February 2023