
Bikes With­out Borders

Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00
Saturday 15:00 - 17:00

Two-wheel­ers mobi­lize people 🚲

Bikes With­out Borders

Bikes With­out Bor­ders was launched in July 2012 with the aim of sup­port­ing refugees in Karl­sruhe with rental bikes. Inter­est­ed peo­ple are also trained in repair­ing bicy­cles and inte­grat­ed into the project work.

With the mon­ey avail­able to refugees each month, they can bare­ly afford the cost of using pub­lic trans­port. How­ev­er, mobil­i­ty always means per­son­al free­dom and integration.
They can vis­it friends or fam­i­ly mem­bers, take part in coun­sel­ing ser­vices and Ger­man cours­es and get to know the city and sur­round­ing area.
We want to sup­port this with our services.

Bicy­cle dis­tri­b­u­tion and repairs take place twice a week. We ask for a small con­tri­bu­tion for this:

  • Bicy­cle: 10 — 35 EURO, depend­ing on qual­i­ty and equipment
  • Lock: 3 — 5 EURO, depend­ing on quality
  • Spare parts: if new, pur­chase price; used free of charge

🪛 Active par­tic­i­pa­tion in repairs is one of the cor­ner­stones of our project.
🫶🏻 We are there­fore always very hap­py when inter­est­ed peo­ple want to devel­op their skills and help us with the work.

🚲 Sup­port in the form of donat­ed bikes, spare parts, tools and active help is very welcome!

Target group: all
This offer is not gratis
Alter Schlachthof 59, 76131 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  20. January 2025