Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

Bicy­cle hap­pi­ness for chil­dren in the Nottingham-Anlage

Saturday, 25 February 2023
11:00 bis 13:00

Bicy­cle hap­pi­ness for chil­dren in the Nottingham-Anlage

Chil­dren have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to train fur­ther rid­ing safe­ty and skill on their bikes with a lot of fun.

Come on by! Bring your bikes!
It’s also fun with scoot­ers and bal­ance bike!

The ADFC is hap­py to inspire young people!

Target group: children, families
This event is gratis
Am Mühlburg­er Tor Haltestelle, 76135 Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated:  24. February 2023