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Icon­ic rap from the Ukraine — ALYONA ALYONA

Sunday, 19 March 2023
20:00 Uhr

Icon­ic rap from the Ukraine — ALYONA ALYONA

With the world­wide megahit Рибки (=Fish­es), Aly­ona Aly­ona brought Ukrain­ian rap to the glob­al map of pop music overnight in 2018. Her texts deal with female self-empow­er­ment, body pos­i­tiv­i­ty and every­day life in her Ukrain­ian town of Baryshiv­ka. The way their words flow, hiss, roll, groove and rus­tle gives their speech vocals mas­sive, dynam­ic dri­ve to dark, pump­ing beats. Aly­ona Aly­ona achieved a viral hit with her debut video «Rib­ki» in her native Ukraine.

Since the Russ­ian war of aggres­sion against Ukraine, it has used its reach from day one to inform on social media about cur­rent events and col­lect dona­tions, thus becom­ing an impor­tant mouth­piece for the per­spec­tive of young peo­ple in their homeland.

Online tick­et:
Advance book­ing: 19,70
Box office: 20,00
Mem­bers: 15,50

Target group: all
This event is not gratis
Kul­turzen­trum TOLLHAUS Karlsruhe
Alter Schlachthof 35, 76133 Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated:  14. March 2023