
Accom­pa­ni­ment for new immi­grants — JoGD

Accom­pa­ni­ment for new immi­grants — JoGD

You have recent­ly arrived in Ger­many? We will help you to find your way around here. If your Ger­man is not yet so good, we are also hap­py to help with interpreting.

At school
There are many ways to learn the Ger­man lan­guage and also to get a Ger­man high school diplo­ma. We can help you to find the right way.

With author­i­ties
Ger­man bureau­cra­cy is not always easy to under­stand. Since we had to over­come all these hur­dles our­selves, we can help you to under­stand offi­cial let­ters and to write to the right author­i­ties at the right time.

Liv­ing in Germany
Every coun­try and cul­ture has its own rules and cus­toms. In the begin­ning, there is a lot to learn in a new coun­try. How do I address whom? How do peo­ple expect me to behave in a cer­tain sit­u­a­tion? We can help you find your way around Ger­many more easily.

by appoint­ment

Target group: all
This offer is gratis
Moham­mad Rahimi
Jugendliche ohne Gren­zen in Deutsch­land e.V.
Werder­str. 39, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  24. November 2023