Rund­funk­bei­trag anmelden

What is that? In Ger­ma­ny, citi­zens aged 18 and over who own a radio, tele­vi­si­on or com­pu­ter must pay a Rund­funk­bei­trag (TV and radio licence fee). It is used to sup­port public ser­vice pro­gram­mes broad­cast on radio and tele­vi­si­on and strea­med on the Internet.

Public broad­cas­ters include chan­nels such as ARD, ZDF or SWR. They are obli­ged to pro­vi­de inde­pen­dent, objec­ti­ve and non-par­ti­san media report­ing. The TV and radio licence fee helps to sup­port a free press, which is important for our democracy.

How much does it cost? The TV and radio licence fee is curr­ent­ly EUR 18.36 per month or EUR 55.08 per quar­ter per apart­ment – regard­less of how many peo­p­le live the­re or how many devices are in the apart­ment. You must pay this char­ge from the first month in which you are registered.

Cer­tain groups of peo­p­le, such as tho­se recei­ving social bene­fits or with a disa­bi­li­ty, do not have to pay the TV and radio licence fee­or recei­ve a reduc­tion. Ask for advice if this appli­es to you!

How do I regis­ter? The TV and radio licence fee regis­tra­ti­on form is available online at Plea­se send the com­ple­ted and signed docu­ment tog­e­ther with the requi­red pro­ofs to “ARD ZDF Deutsch­land­ra­dio, Bei­trags­ser­vice, 50656 Köln”.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert:2022-04-25