We speak Spanish in Karlsruhe

We speak Span­ish in Karl­sruhe is a group for par­ents with chil­dren between 0–4 years old who speak Span­ish and live in Karlsruhe.
We meet every Mon­day to keep our chil­dren in con­tact with Span­ish and to orga­nize activ­i­ties togeth­er.
The idea of the group is to sup­port each oth­er if we have ques­tions or tips.
So we wel­come any ques­tions or tips relat­ed to moth­er­hood and life in Karlsruhe.

Address Win­ter­straße 29 in Sum­mer / From Octo­ber at Augarten­straße 21
76137 Karl­sruhe Person in charge Eugenia Eslava Contact Phone: 0176 434 67 582
We meet
We meet every Mon­day from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. We are wait­ing for you
This community is listed in the categories: Families and children, Language development