We speak Spanish in Karlsruhe

We speak Spanish in Karlsruhe is a group for parents with children between 0–4 years old who speak Spanish and live in Karlsruhe.
We meet every Monday to keep our children in contact with Spanish and to organize activities together.
The idea of the group is to support each other if we have questions or tips.
So we welcome any questions or tips related to motherhood and life in Karlsruhe.
Winterstraße 29 in Summer / From October at Augartenstraße 21
76137 Karlsruhe Person in charge Eugenia Eslava Contact Phone: 0176 434 67 582
We meet
76137 Karlsruhe Person in charge Eugenia Eslava Contact Phone: 0176 434 67 582
We meet
We meet every Monday from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
We are waiting for you
This community is listed in the categories: Families and children, Language development