Mexican dance group Adelitas Tapatías

As Mex­i­can Folk­loric Dances our goal is to make the authen­tic Mex­i­can cul­ture known in Germany.
We dance out of love for our coun­try, we try to present a lit­tle bit of Mex­i­co in Ger­many to our fel­low coun­try­men, as well as to the Germans.

We like to dance at inter­na­tion­al events such as MONDO, Folk­lo­ria and Tanz­marathon (sup­port­ing pro­gram Badenmarathon).

Address Georg-Friedrich-Str. 19
76131 Karl­sruhe Person in charge Ada Edlich Contact Phone: 0176/ 810 57 694
Website: We meet
We meet on Sat­ur­days from 10 am to 1 pm. If you are inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing, please con­tact us. 
This community is listed in the categories: Culture