EduRef - Education for Refugees e. V.

EduRef — Edu­ca­tion for Refugees is part of the non-prof­it asso­ci­a­tion TEC — Teach­ing. Equal­i­ty. Cod­ing. e.V. based in Karl­sruhe which set as their goal to pro­vide edu­ca­tion­al offers for Refugees and to encour­age inter­na­tion­al under­stand­ing. Since 2015, we offer begin­ner and advanced pro­gram­ing cours­es teach­ing Java as well as Microsoft Office.

Address Kaiser­straße 89 — KIT build­ing 05.20
76133 Karl­sruhe Contact Website: We meet
Would you like to vol­un­teer for refugees? We are always hap­py to see new faces! 👨‍💻 If you did­n’t make it to the infor­ma­tion evening, you are wel­come to send us an e‑mail. We will be hap­py to answer any ques­tions you may have. 🗣️ We also have a team meet­ing every 2 weeks, which you are wel­come to attend with­out oblig­a­tion. Just send us an e‑mail
This community is listed in the categories: Education, Student network