Alma Karlsruhe

Facilitating the integration of FLINTA (Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-Binary, Trans and Agender) migrants of Latin American origin in the Karlsruhe region and its surroundings, promoting their personal and professional development through the organization of educational conferences and workshops, as well as the development of continuing education courses and cultural activities that contribute to the well-being and empowerment of this target group.
We promote their personal and professional development by organizing educational lectures and workshops, as well as the development of further education courses and cultural activities that contribute to the well-being and empowerment of this audience.
In addition, we have the support of women with experience in various sectors, who are willing to participate in debates and events that generate positive impacts on our environment, as we believe in intercultural dialogue as a basis for sustainable development and the construction of a society that embraces diversity in all its facets.
Our initiatives are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), prioritizing sustainability and gender equality, in order to ensure that our target audience has the necessary tools and support to thrive and contribute in both local and global contexts.
Target Groups: Women; Migranting and intercultural individuals
∼ Español ∼
Facilitar la integración de personas FLINTA (Mujeres, Lesbianas, Intersexuales, No Binarias, Trans y Agénero) migrantes de origen latinoamericano en la región de Karlsruhe y sus
alrededores, promoviendo su desarrollo personal y profesional mediante la organización de conferencias educativas y talleres, así como la elaboración de cursos de formación continua y actividades culturales que contribuyan al bienestar y empoderamiento de este público.
Además, contamos con el apoyo de mujeres con experiencia en diversos sectores, quienes están dispuestas a participar en debates y eventos que generen impactos positivos en nuestro entorno, ya que creemos en el diálogo intercultural como base para el desarrollo sostenible y la construcción de una sociedad que abrace la diversidad en todas sus facetas.
Nuestras iniciativas están alineadas con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la ONU, priorizando la sostenibilidad y la igualdad de género, con el fin de garantizar que nuestro público objetivo tenga las herramientas y el apoyo necesarios para prosperar y contribuir tanto en el contexto local como global.
76137 Karlsruhe Person in charge Lina Duarte & Laís Alves Contact Mail: