Look­ing for a job

How can you find a job or a train­ing course?

If you don’t have a job, you can reg­is­ter with the Agen­tur für Arbeit Karl­sruhe-Ras­tatt (Employ­ment Agency) inKarlsruhe.

There you can find:

  • Sup­port and advice about find­ing a job,
  • Infor­ma­tion and advice on train­ing, high­er edu­ca­tion and pro­fes­sion­al development,
  • Sup­port for con­tin­u­ing voca­tion­al training,
  • Finan­cial help, e.g. unem­ploy­ment ben­e­fit if you have lost your job (the dura­tion of unem­ploy­ment ben­e­fit depends on how long you have been employed and your age).

🌐 Agen­tur für Arbeit Karl­sruhe
Brauer­straße 10
76135 Karl­sruhe
Tel.: 0800 4 5555 00
+49 721 823 2222
📝 To the con­tact form

What should I bring with me?

  • Pass­port or iden­ti­ty card
  • Con­fir­ma­tion of registration
  • CV / Résumé

What do you get?

  • Help and infor­ma­tion on find­ing a job

If you need help look­ing for work: 

At the Beruf­s­in­for­ma­tion­szen­trum Karl­sruhe (career infor­ma­tion cen­tre) Karl­sruhe you can:

  • Write job appli­ca­tions, print, copy and scan documents, 
  • Find out about pro­fes­sions, appren­tice­ships, high­er edu­ca­tion cours­es, vol­un­tary ser­vices or set­ting up a business
  • Find events in Karl­sruhe and spe­cial­ist lit­er­a­ture to help you iden­ti­fy and apply for jobs.

Open­ing hours:
Mon­day: 08:00 — 12:00
Tues­day: 08:00 — 12:00
Wednes­day: 08:00 — 12:00
Thurs­day: 08:00 — 12:00
14:00 — 17:00
Fri­day: 08:00 — 12:00

This page was last updated: 2024-07-24