Reg­is­ter­ing in Karlsruhe

Reg­is­ter­ing in Karl­sruhe: In Ger­many, you are required by law to reg­is­ter your address or any change in your address to the author­i­ties in your town/city of res­i­dence. Now you can do it online!

💡 This is impor­tant: you may have to pay a fine if you do not do this in time.

What doc­u­ment should I take with me when I register?

Impor­tant: When you reg­is­ter, you will receive a Meldebescheini­gung (con­fir­ma­tion of reg­is­tra­tion).
Please keep this doc­u­ment in a safe place.

Reg­is­tra­tion: In Ger­many, when you move into a new house or apart­ment, you must reg­is­ter with the local author­i­ty with­in two weeks. You can do this at any Bürg­er­büro (cit­i­zens’ office) in the city of Karlsruhe. 

Chang­ing address: Even if you move into a new house or apart­ment in the same city, you must also reg­is­ter your change of address with the local author­i­ty with­in two weeks.

Elec­tron­ic res­i­dence registration

New home? 🏡
Have you just moved with­in Ger­many? 📦
You can now reg­is­ter your new home online and free of charge!
With elec­tron­ic res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion, you can sim­ply inform your reg­is­tra­tion office of your new home address online. 📲

💡 It is no longer nec­es­sary to go to the rel­e­vant author­i­ty.
You will then receive a dig­i­tal reg­is­tra­tion confirmation.

You can also use the online ser­vice to update your ID card, pass­port or eID card. The eas­i­est way to do this is with your smartphone. 📲

Reg­is­ter your res­i­dence online

Ord­nungs- und Bürg­er­amt (Pub­lic order and cit­i­zens’ office)
Bürg­er­di­en­ste (Cit­i­zen ser­vices)
📍 Stein­häuser­straße 22
76135 Karl­sruhe
📞 115
🌐 Ord­nungs- und Bürg­er­amt

Here you can find the address­es of all cit­i­zens’ offices in Karlsruhe

Con­sul­ta­tion and open­ing hours
Mon­day to Wednes­day: 07:30 — 12:30 and 13:30 — 16:30
Thurs­day: 07:30 — 12:30 and 14:00 — 17:00
Fri­day: 07:30 — 12:30

💡 Please note:
Per­son­al con­sul­ta­tions are only pos­si­ble ↗ by pri­or appoint­ment.

In the ↗ Express Hall at Kaiser­allee 8, you can deal with cer­tain mat­ters with­out book­ing an appoint­ment in advance.
If you are look­ing for a lost key, you can come to the lost and ↗ found office with­out an appointment.


This page was last updated: 2024-12-03