Immi­gra­tion Office Karl­sruhe (Aus­län­der­be­hörde)

Where do you have to reg­is­ter if you are not from an EU coun­try?
If you are a cit­i­zen of a coun­try out­side the EU and are enter­ing Ger­many to live here per­ma­nent­ly, you must reg­is­ter with the local Aus­län­der­be­hörde (Immi­gra­tion Office Karl­sruhe). They will issue you with an Aufen­thalt­sti­tel (res­i­dence permit).

Aufenthaltstitel Example


Ani­KA rec­om­mends that you apply at least two months before your res­i­dence per­mit expires.

The issuance or exten­sion of a res­i­dence per­mit is no longer done in per­son. The Immi­gra­tion Office offers you the fol­low­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for sub­mit­ting the application:

Step 1

  • Appli­ca­tion by e‑mail (please do not send orig­i­nal files, only scanned copy)
    Please send the com­plet­ed and signed appli­ca­tion and the required doc­u­ments in good time before expiry — as a PDF file by e‑mail to:
  • Sub­mit­ting an appli­ca­tion by mail or by drop­ping it in the mail­box
    Address: Immi­gra­tion Office, Kaiser­allee 8, 76133 Karlsruhe.

Please note:
You will receive the deci­sion by e‑mail or by mail. After receiv­ing this let­ter, you can make an appoint­ment your­self to sub­mit the bio­met­ric data (fin­ger­prints and photo).

Step 2

Please make an appoint­ment to sub­mit the bio­met­ric data in advance either by phone – Tel. 115 – or online at:

City Karl­sruhe
Kaiser­allee 8
76133 Karl­sruhe
Stop: Mühlburg­er Tor
Lines: S1, S11. S12, S2, S5, S51
Tram 1, 2, 3, 4

What do I take with me?

  • Iden­ti­ty card or passport
  • Con­fir­ma­tion of reg­is­tra­tion from the Bürgerbüro
  • Oth­er doc­u­ments on a case-by-case basis

What do I receive?

  • Res­i­dence per­mit, res­i­dence per­mit for spe­cif­ic pur­pos­es or oth­er certificates

Here you can ask!


Forms must be filled out and signed

Fre­quent questions

Oth­er services

e.g. work per­mit, au pair, dec­la­ra­tion of com­mit­ment you can find here

Good to know: EU cit­i­zens enjoy free­dom of move­ment with­in the Euro­pean Union. This means they can move freely in oth­er mem­ber states, enter or stay there. They do not have to reg­is­ter at the Immi­gra­tion Office or apply for a work permit.

This page was last updated: 2024-07-24