Integration courses are language courses that help you to become a part of German society. The integration course includes both a language course and a orientation course that gives you important historical, political and cultural background information about the country.
You should attend an integration course if you do not yet have a sufficient knowledge of the German language:
- If you are new to Karlsruhe and come from a country outside the UE, you have the right to attend one integration course.
- If you have been living in German for a longer period of time or are an EU citizen, you can also be admitted to the courses if places are available.
- If you are German citizen, but do not have sufficient knowledge of the German language and want to integrate more effectively, you can also be admitted to the courses if place are available.
You can find more information here
Get advice from a Migrationsberatungsstelle (migration advisory cetre) — or from the Büro für Integration (Office for Integration) about which language course is siutable for you. For advice on language courses, places make an appointment in advance with the Office for Integration: Tel. +49 721 133‑5727 or by e‑mail at: