How do I enroll my child in a school?

Your child is allowed to go to school, and you must reg­is­ter them at a school with­in six months of resid­ing in Ger­many. School atten­dance is manda­to­ry.
Vis­it your local town hall to learn about your child’s school options. There are class­es avail­able to help your child learn Ger­man. You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

Reg­is­tra­tion dates at pri­ma­ry schools

Dead­line: June 30th (your child must be 6 years old by this date)
You will receive a let­ter from the school. If you have not received one, reg­is­ter at the school in your area.
Enroll­ment: Sep­tem­ber 15, 2025

Infor­ma­tion on school enroll­ment (pri­ma­ry school) ↗ here

Reg­is­tra­tion dates for oth­er schools (sec­ondary schools)

  • Reg­is­tra­tion dates are March 10–13, 2025. Check with the school sev­er­al weeks or months before this date.
  • 💡 The voca­tion­al schools have a cen­tral online reg­is­tra­tion plat­form
    You will receive fur­ther infor­ma­tion after registration.

What do the dif­fer­ent edu­ca­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions mean?

There are var­i­ous school leav­ing cer­tifi­cates. The high­er the school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cate, the more options you have when choos­ing a career. But you also have to go to school for longer. With a sec­ondary Hauptschu­la­b­schluss (school leav­ing cer­tifi­cate – after the 9th grade) or a Mit­tlerer Bil­dungsab­schluss (mid­dle school leav­ing cer­tifi­cate – after the 10th grade) you can enter voca­tion­al train­ing.

You need the Abitur or uni­ver­si­ty entrance qual­i­fi­ca­tion (after the 12th or 13 th grade) to study at a uni­ver­si­ty. After pass­ing each exam, you can con­tin­ue your stud­ies to get a high­er lev­el qual­i­fi­ca­tion. Even if you have dropped out of school, you can catch up on your qual­i­fi­ca­tion lat­er. You can do this at a voca­tion­al school, for exam­ple.

The dif­fer­ent school types
The Bil­dungsnavi Baden Würt­tem­berg shows the pos­si­bil­i­ties and explains the dif­fer­ent school types:

My child does­n’t speak Ger­man. Where can they go to school?

Pri­ma­ry school
Chil­dren who do not yet speak Ger­man are placed in a Vor­bere­itungsklasse (prepara­to­ry class) to learn the lan­guage. Your child will attend the local pri­ma­ry school. This depends on where you live.
Schools in Karlsruhe

How do I enroll my child in a school?

Reg­is­ter your child direct­ly with the school. Make a reg­is­tra­tion appoint­ment with the school secretary’s office and take your child with you to the appoint­ment in person.

Sec­ondary school
If your child is between 11 and 15 years old but does not yet speak Ger­man, you can reg­is­ter them for a Vor­bere­itungsklasse (prepara­to­ry class, VKL) at a sec­ondary school. To do this, please con­tact one of the schools below. Your child will then be reg­is­tered with a suit­able school.

Guten­bergschule (GWRS)
📍 Goethes­traße 34
76135 Karl­sruhe
📞 +49 (0)721 (0)133 ‑4674

Pestalozzis­chule (GWRS)
📍 Christof­s­traße 23
76227 Karl­sruhe
📞 +49 (0)721 (0)133 ‑4707

Young peo­ple from 16 years
Young peo­ple from 16 years old can be reg­is­tered – or reg­is­ter them­selves – for a Vor­bere­itungsklasse (prepara­to­ry class,VABO) at a voca­tion­al col­lege. VABO class­es pre­pare young peo­ple for Ger­man lan­guage exam­i­na­tions at the lev­els A2 to B1. You can reg­is­ter for a VABO class online ↗ here

After the VABO class, you can pre­pare for a Ger­man school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cate. Voca­tion­al col­leges offer school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cates in a vari­ety of subjects.

My child already speaks Ger­man. Where can they go to school?

If your child speaks Ger­man and can attend a reg­u­lar school, you can con­tact a school direct­ly. You will be advised there by the school man­age­ment. You can find a list of pub­lic and pri­vate schools in Karl­sruhe ↗ here

💡 Karl­sruhe also has schools with bilin­gual class­es and a Euro­pean School with reg­u­lar class­es in Ger­man, Eng­lish or French.

What doc­u­ments should I take with me when I register?

  • The child’s birth certificate
  • The child’s passport
  • Your own passport
  • School reports (if avail­able) for reg­is­tra­tion at a sec­ondary school
This page was last updated: 2025-02-10