Advice cen­ters for migrants

There are sev­er­al advice cen­ters for migrants in Karl­sruhe for new­com­ers and all migrants. There are migra­tion advice cen­ters for adults and young peo­ple as well as advice cen­ters for spe­cif­ic top­ics such as work, recog­ni­tion of cer­tifi­cates. Staff at the Migra­tions­ber­atung (migra­tion coun­selling ser­vice) will help you to solve prob­lems in areas such as:

  • Learn­ing Ger­man (e.g. arrang­ing lan­guage and inte­gra­tion courses),
  • Ques­tions about res­i­dence per­mits,
  • Pro­fes­sion­al career and recog­ni­tion of qual­i­fi­ca­tions (e.g. recog­ni­tion of school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cates, appren­tice­ships, degrees, job search),
  • Hous­ing (e.g. sup­port and basic infor­ma­tion about find­ing accommodation),
  • Health (e.g. med­ical care, health insurance),
  • Fam­i­ly and chil­dren (e.g. ques­tions about child­care, school),
  • Mar­riage and part­ner­ships (e.g. sup­port dur­ing preg­nan­cy, mar­riage counselling).

Advice for migrants in Karl­sruhe

In Karl­sruhe, there are five migra­tion advi­so­ry cen­tres for adult immi­grants (MBEs) and a youth migra­tion ser­vice (JMD) for young peo­ple between 12 and 27 years of age.
Con­sul­ta­tions are free-of-charge.

You can find a list of fur­ther advice ser­vices and city advice cen­ters in Karl­sruhe here

Advi­so­ry cen­tres for adult immi­grants (MBEs)

Youth migra­tion ser­vice (JMD)

City of Karl­sruhe: Refer­ral Coun­selling Ser­vice at the Office for Inte­gra­tion
Büro für Inte­gra­tion (BfI)

You can go to the Refer­ral Coun­selling Ser­vice at the Office for Integration:

  • if you need advice or infor­ma­tion on lan­guage and inte­gra­tion courses,
  • if you want to know which advice cen­tres you can go to in Karlsruhe,
  • if you would like gen­er­al advice.
This page was last updated: 2024-10-23