Social hous­ing

In Ger­many, peo­ple with low incomes can rent apart­ments in social hous­ing projects. To rent one of these apart­ments you require a Wohn­berech­ti­gungss­chein (cer­tifi­cate of eli­gi­bil­i­ty for social housing).

Please call to arrange an appoint­ment
Tel.: +49 (0)721 133‑6427

Lamm­straße 7a, Rathaus­pas­sage
76133 Karl­sruhe

What should I take with me?

  • Pass­port or iden­ti­ty card
  • Res­i­dence per­mit or oth­er per­mit for recent migrants from non-EU countries
  • Proof of income (i.e. of your wages or ben­e­fits payments)
  • Your cur­rent rental contract

What do you receive?

  • Cer­tifi­cate of eli­gi­bil­i­ty for social hous­ing (Please keep this doc­u­ment safe for future use)
This page was last updated: 2024-12-02