The goal of Karlsruhe employment promotion gGmbH (afka) is the placement and integration of unemployed people into the labor market. We offer employment, support and qualification. In addition, we support young people in the transition from school to work to enable them to train and avoid unemployment.
We are a non-profit social enterprise of the city of Karlsruhe and have been a successful service provider to the Karlsruhe labor market for over 25 years.
Karlsruhe employment promotion gGmbH (afka) is an important service provider for the Karlsruhe labor market. The central business area of afka is publicly supported employment. Our employment services are aimed at the long-term unemployed and other disadvantaged unemployed people in Karlsruhe.
Our workshops and businesses offer jobs for the temporary, subsidized employment of unemployed people, especially those who are difficult to place. With this non-profit work, we create daily structure and stabilization, but also the opportunity to (re)acquire technical knowledge and social skills.
تعزيز العمالة في كارلسروه