What is AniKA

Ani­KA – Arriv­ing in Karlsruhe

What ist AniKA

The Net­work Ani­KA – Arriv­ing in Karl­sruhe is an alliance of stake­hold­ers work­ing on inte­gra­tion pol­i­cy in the city of Karl­sruhe.

The goal of the Ani­KA net­work is to fur­ther devel­op the Karl­sruhe Wel­come Struc­ture and estab­lish the „Karl­sruhe Inte­gra­tion Path“. The Net­work wants to involve all actors in the city of Karl­sruhe who are in con­tact with immi­grants.
Net­work meet­ings take place twice a year. They are intend­ed to estab­lish an exchange, to give an overview of the needs of and offers for all peo­ple who are new to Karl­sruhe.

The pres­i­den­cy is with the Office for Inte­gra­tion of Karl­sruhe, the office for Ani­KA is locat­ed at ibz (Inter­na­tionales Begeg­nungszen­trum Karl­sruhe). A project man­ag­er main­tains the net­work and the Ani­KA web­site, where new­com­ers can get an overview of the offers in Karl­sruhe. With Ani­KA we would like to inform and give ori­en­ta­tion to all new­com­ers to Karl­sruhe on top­ics like hous­ing, lan­guage learn­ing, child care, school edu­ca­tion, health, free time and cul­ture. Our goal is to make it eas­i­er for new­com­ers to par­tic­i­pate in soci­ety and work. We want them to feel wel­come in Karl­sruhe right from the start.

Steer­ing Committee

There is a steer­ing com­mit­tee to advance the project. It meets about four times a year. Per­ma­nent mem­bers of the steer­ing com­mit­tee are: the Office for Inte­gra­tion (Büro für Inte­gra­tion), the Inter­na­tion­al Meet­ing Cen­tre (Inter­na­tionales Begeg­nungszen­trum) and the Office of Pub­lic Order (Ord­nungsamt).
Two new net­work part­ners are appoint­ed to the steer­ing com­mit­tee every two years. The Inter­na­tionaler Bund (IB) and the Fed­er­al Employ­ment Agency Karl­sruhe were select­ed at the last Alliance Meet­ing 2025.