
Sup­port Ani­KA – Help Us Make Infor­ma­tion More Accessible!

Ani­KA – Ankom­men in Karl­sruhe is a vital plat­form pro­vid­ing new­com­ers and refugees with essen­tial infor­ma­tion to nav­i­gate life in Karl­sruhe. But we need your sup­port to keep improv­ing and expand­ing our impact!

💡 What your dona­tion helps with:
✅ Enhanc­ing web­site con­tent to pro­vide up-to-date, rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion
✅ Run­ning out­reach cam­paigns to reach those who need it most
✅ Sup­port­ing vol­un­teer trans­la­tors who make Ani­KA acces­si­ble in mul­ti­ple lan­guages
✅ Improv­ing web acces­si­bil­i­ty to ensure every­one can use our platform

Every contribution—big or small—makes a dif­fer­ence! With your help, we can con­tin­ue to make Karl­sruhe a wel­com­ing place for all.

💛 Donate today and be part of the change! 💛

We are very pleased if you sup­port our work with a dona­tion.
Up to € 200, the trans­fer vouch­er is recog­nised as a receipt by the tax office. Beyond that, we will glad­ly send you a dona­tion receipt if you include your address with the transfer.

Sparkasse Karl­sruhe
IBAN: DE54 6605 0101 0010 0940 84
Ken­nwort AniKA