Edu­ca­tion­al advice

If you have any ques­tions about reg­is­ter­ing at a school, the edu­ca­tion and train­ing sys­tem or gen­er­al­ly about edu­ca­tion and schools, you can go to an edu­ca­tion­al advice ser­vice. Migra­tion read more

Ser­vices for fam­i­lies with children

Child ben­e­fit:All par­ents with chil­dren who live per­ma­nent­ly in Ger­many are enti­tled to Kindergeld (child ben­e­fit). They receive a ben­e­fit of at least EUR 200 per child per month. Child read more

Pri­va­cy policy

Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy 1. An overview of data pro­tec­tion Gen­er­al infor­ma­tion The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion will pro­vide you with an easy to nav­i­gate overview of what will hap­pen with your per­son­al data read more

Social get togeth­er through sport

Social get togeth­er through sport

Open sports for all Social get togeth­er through sport As part of the open sports offers, the school and sports office, in coop­er­a­tion with its coop­er­a­tion part­ners, offers a wide range read more

Find­ing an appartement

You can find here a list of res­i­den­tial devel­op­ment com­pa­nies and hous­ing coop­er­a­tives The largest res­i­den­tial devel­op­ment com­pa­ny in Karl­sruhe is VOLKSWOHNUNG GmbH of the City of Karl­sruhe: Tip: read more

Coun­sel­ing for com­pa­tri­ots from Africa

Coun­sel­ing for com­pa­tri­ots from Africa

Coun­sel­ing for com­pa­tri­ots from Africa We are “Soma­lis­ch­er Kul­­tur-und Inte­gra­tionsvere­in e.V.” and “Gam­bian­is­che-Deutsche Gesellschaft Vere­in e.V.” in Karl­sruhe. Not only for refugees, but also for the com­pa­tri­ots from Soma­lia and read more

Devel­op your busi­ness idea

Devel­op your busi­ness idea

For an open soci­ety in the region — LiNK Idea Lab in Karl­sruhe Devel­op your busi­ness idea Pro­gram — Present your idea and find your team — Ana­lyze and devel­op your idea read more

Reg­is­ter­ing your child with a school

What do the dif­fer­ent edu­ca­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions mean? There are var­i­ous school leav­ing cer­tifi­cates. The high­er the school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cate, the more options you have when choos­ing a career. But you also read more

Free library card for refugees

Free library card for refugees

Peo­ple new­ly arrived in Karl­sruhe can get a free library card for 6 months upon pre­sen­ta­tion of their reg­is­tra­tion cer­tifi­cate (includ­ing a res­i­den­tial address) The Karl­sruhe City Library can be read more

Free inline skate courses

Free inline skate courses

Guid­ed cours­es for begin­ners and advanced skaters Free Inline train­ing for chil­dren from aprox. 5 to 10 years. Free of charge. Via the “Social pro­gram through sport” pro­gram in coop­er­a­tion read more

Per­spek­tive Now!

Per­spek­tive Now!

Per­spek­tive Now! Learn­ing Ger­man in tan­dem and in a group of young peo­ple from all over the world, sup­port in school, edu­ca­tion and all ques­tions of every­day life The project Per­spek­tive read more

Waste sep­a­ra­tion

In Karl­sruhe, garbage and organ­ic waste can be dis­posed of in four dif­fer­ent bins: Resid­ual waste (Rest­müll): e.g. cold ash, rub­ber, hygiene arti­cles such as hand­ker­chiefs, ceram­ics, dia­pers. Recy­clable mate­ri­als (Wert­stoff): read more

Free labor and social law advice

Free labor and social law advice

We want to help peo­ple to inte­grate fair­ly into the labor mar­ket by inform­ing them about their employ­ment rights and by accom­pa­ny­ing and sup­port­ing them in assert­ing their rights and read more

Cur­rent account

In Ger­many, you need a bank account – ide­al­ly a Girokon­to (cur­rent account). You can use this account to pay your rent by bank trans­fer or receive your salary and read more

Ger­man cours­es and meet­ing offers

There are also Ger­man cours­es and meet­ing offers in Karl­sruhe orga­nized by inde­pen­dent asso­ci­a­tions or oth­er insti­tu­tions. Ger­man cours­es for all Sprecht miteinan­der! at the Mühlburg Civic Cen­terAt the Mühlburg Civic Cen­ter read more


Trams, local rail­way ser­vices and bus­es help you to get around the var­i­ous parts of the city quick­ly and con­ve­nient­ly. At – the web­site of the local pub­lic trans­port read more

Inter­na­tion­al Day against Racism 2022

Inter­na­tion­al Day against Racism 2022

with — a greet­ing by Lord May­or Dr. Frank Men­trup — a lec­ture on the sub­ject of racism by Flo­rence Brokows­­ki-Shekete fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion with the audi­ence; Ms. Brokows­­ki-Shekete read more

Pro­gram­ming for Refugees EduRef

Pro­gram­ming for Refugees EduRef

Pro­gram­ming for begin­ners and advanced EduRef is a uni­ver­si­ty group at the Karl­sruhe Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy (KIT) that offers free pro­gram­ming cours­es in Java and Python specif­i­cal­ly for refugees and read more

Open IT 4.0 — CyberForum

Open IT 4.0 — CyberForum

Enter­ing the Ger­man IT indus­try — Open IT 4.0 — Cyber­Fo­rum You are from abroad and you have an aca­d­e­m­ic degree or com­plet­ed train­ing in the fields of com­put­er sci­ence, read more

Inter­na­tion­al Moms get together

Inter­na­tion­al Moms get together

at Pestalozzi School in Durlach  The café for moth­ers (Müt­ter­café) is open to all moth­ers of the Pestalozzi school (child­care dur­ing this time is avail­able). Moth­ers have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to read more