Girls Playing Soccer in Karlsruhe

Girls Play­ing Soc­cer in Karlsruhe

Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr

“Girls Play­ing Soc­cer” is not about suc­cess, but rather about pro­mot­ing girls in our city

The pro­gram is aimed at all girls between the ages of 6 and 16. 

The train­ing
Girls Play­ing Soc­cer takes place in all weath­ers on the soc­cer pitch­es of the clubs coop­er­at­ing with us.
These loca­tions are soc­cer pitch­es, foot­ball pitch­es in parks and school sports facil­i­ties or dis­trict sports facilities.

⚽ We train in year groups and par­tic­i­pa­tion is not tied to the two hours. Lat­er drop-off and ear­li­er pick-up is possible.

Drop in with­out registration

The idea of Girls Play­ing Soccer

The aim of the project is to cre­ate low-thresh­old and pop­u­lar sports activ­i­ties for girls only.
To strength­en the girls’ per­son­al­i­ties and pro­mote team spir­it and a will­ing­ness to integrate.

📆 From June 4, 2024


Target group: girls
This offer is gratis
DJK Karl­sruhe-Ost 1921 e.V. — In der Platzanlage 
Friedrich­staler Allee 52, 76131 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-11-13