
Karl­sruhe Pass — Kids Pass — 60 Plus

Karl­sruhe Pass — Kids Pass — 60 Plus

Apply once and use it for a year

🎯 You can obtain the Karl­sruhe Pass in the par­tic­i­pat­ing municipalities

The offers of the Karl­sruhe Pass 🎫 are so diverse.
🚊Mobil­i­ty — 🚴🏼‍♂️Sport — ☀️ Leisure — 🎶Music — 🎭 The­ater — 📚Edu­ca­tion — 👜 Shop­ping — 🥨 Food

👉🏽 To the offers in the Karl­sruhe region

Karl­sruhe Pass

The Karl­sruhe Pass includes var­i­ous ben­e­fits in the form of dis­counts for the exten­sive range of offers in the areas of leisure, sport, cul­ture, edu­ca­tion and mobility.

Who can apply for the pass?

  • Cit­i­zens who receive ALG II (SGB II), social assis­tance (SGB XII), hous­ing ben­e­fit, ben­e­fits under the Asyl­bLG or child sup­ple­ment or live in a super­vised form of accom­mo­da­tion under SGB VIII or have a low income.
  • For peo­ple with a low income who do not receive social ben­e­fits, the enti­tle­ment to a Karl­sruhe Pass is cal­cu­lat­ed direct­ly at the issu­ing office. Doc­u­ments relat­ing to income, bank state­ments and pos­si­bly oth­er doc­u­ments are required for this calculation.

Kids Pass 🎫

The Karl­sruhe Kids Pass is avail­able to chil­dren and young peo­ple in the par­tic­i­pat­ing munic­i­pal­i­ties and can be extend­ed up to the age of 18.

Who can apply for the pass?

  • Chil­dren of par­ents who receive ALG II (SBG II), social assis­tance (SGB XII), hous­ing ben­e­fit or a child sup­ple­ment or have a low income.
  • Chil­dren with a severe dis­abil­i­ty cer­tifi­cate and sig­nif­i­cant­ly dis­abled chil­dren who receive inte­gra­tion assistance.
  • Fos­ter chil­dren and chil­dren and young peo­ple who are in res­i­den­tial care in accor­dance with SGB VIII.
  • Chil­dren from fam­i­lies with five or more under­age chil­dren (please bring birth cer­tifi­cates or reg­is­tra­tion cer­tifi­cates or fam­i­ly register)
  • For fam­i­lies with a low income who do not receive social ben­e­fits, the enti­tle­ment to a Karl­sruhe Chil­dren’s Pass is cal­cu­lat­ed direct­ly at the issu­ing office. Doc­u­ments relat­ing to income, bank state­ments and pos­si­bly oth­er doc­u­ments are required for this calculation.

Karl­sruhe Pass 60Plus

Who can apply for the pass?

  • Cit­i­zens who receive ALG II (SBG II), basic income sup­port (SGB XII) or hous­ing ben­e­fit or have a low income or a low pension.
  • For peo­ple with a low income who do not receive social ben­e­fits, the enti­tle­ment to a Karl­sruhe Pass is cal­cu­lat­ed indi­vid­u­al­ly at the issu­ing office. In this case, please bring the fol­low­ing doc­u­ments with you for the cal­cu­la­tion.


Target group: (For people with a low income)
This event is gratis
Jugend­freizeit- und Bildungswerk
Bürg­er­str. 16, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-02-29