Finca Roasters Karlsruhe
Workshop: Create stunning portraits with your smartphone
Preis: 40€ — Registration hier
In our two-hour workshop, you’ll learn the following:
● Light and its role in portrait photography: we will discuss how to effectively use the light you have.
● The art of perspective: learn how choosing the right perspective can enhance your portrait shots
● The Focus of Your Choice: You’ll learn how to decide where the focus should be in your portraits to get the results you want.
● Flattering positioning: get practical advice and techniques on how to position the people in your portraits in a more flattering way.
● Your smartphone as a creative tool: I’ll show you how to use your phone’s features and how to use them intentionally
● Image editing made easy: I’ll show you how to easily edit your shots directly on your smartphone to get the most out of your portraits.
In addition, we’ll do hands-on exercises where you can put what you’ve learned into practice. By the end of the workshop, you will have improved your photography skills and be able to create beautiful portraits with your smartphone.
Upon completion of the workshop, you will also receive a PDF that contains a clear summary of the topics covered and exercises that you can further explore on your own.
This event is not gratis
Augartenstraße 30A, 76137 Karlsruhe