The Startpunkt-Elterncafés offer an open parents’ café for all expectant parents and families with babies and toddlers. Here you can meet other parents and education specialists and find out about activities and services for babies and toddlers.
Childcare for pre-school children
In Germany, children are not required by law to attend a day care centre (short: Kita). However, it is strongly recommended as your child will learn the language so much more quickly. You can find an overview of childcare facilities for children from 1 to 6 years on the Karlsruhe Kita portal:
Currently, you must pay a parental contribution if your child attends a Kita. This contribution depends on your income.
Please contact the Servicestelle Kindertagesbetreuung (day care service centre) if you have any questions about registering your child in a Kita:
Servicestelle Kindertagesbetreuung
Tel.: +49 (0)721 133 ‑5566
Telephone consultation hours: Monday 09:00 – 12:00, Wednesday 09:00 – 12:00
Do you not earn enough to pay the parental contribution? If so, you can request a subsidy for your contribution.
Advice on day care for small children
The Kita Entry programme (Kita-Einstieg) advises and informs parents about childcare and registering children at a Kita.
Multilingual Kita guides (Kita-Lotsinnen) are available to help you register your child(ren) at a Kita and put you in touch with other activities and services.