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Karl­sruhe Wom­en’s Weeks

Sunday, 5 March 2023
Sunday, 19 March 2023

Karl­sruhe Wom­en’s Weeks

March 8 is Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day — the world­wide day of action for wom­en’s rights and gen­der equal­i­ty. In Karl­sruhe, on the occa­sion of Wom­en’s Day, the Karl­sruhe Wom­en’s Weeks will take place from March 5 to 19, 2023. Be part of it!

The day of action cel­e­brates the achieve­ments of the wom­en’s rights move­ment to date and at the same time draws atten­tion to exist­ing dis­crim­i­na­tion and inequal­i­ties — because equal­i­ty has not yet been achieved everywhere!

Togeth­er with the Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft Karl­sruher Frauen­ver­bände (AKF), the city orga­nizes the Karl­sruhe Wom­en’s Weeks. The chair­per­sons of the AKF, Brigitte Lev­erenz and Dr. Christa Hart­nigk-Küm­mel, agree that “the Wom­en’s Weeks show that Karl­sruhe is a city of strong women and wom­en’s asso­ci­a­tions. With the pro­gram of events, we give impe­tus to think­ing and act­ing for more gen­der justice.”

Get involved with us in the fight for equal rights! We look for­ward to your participation!

Target group: women, all
This event is not gratis


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This event information was updated:  27. February 2023